Conferences and Publications
Click here for Journal of Nutrition & Dietetics website
Click here for 4th International Nutrition and Dietetics Scientific Conference
- Click here for Conference Brochure
Click here for 4th International Nutrition and Dietetics Scientific Conference
- Click here for Conference Brochure
Click here for 3rd International Nutrition and Dietetics Scientific Conference
- Click here for Key Notes for the 3rd International Nutrition and Dietetics Scientific Conference
- Click here for conference proceedings for the 3rd International Nutrition and Dietetics Scientific Conference
Research, Innovation and Publication
The programme will enable ATRI-PLC and by extension KNDI to respond proactively to nutrition challenges of the coming millennium by engaging in priority area researches either actively or through training institutions and such bodies that deal on matters related to nutrition and dietetics in Kenya. The research policy to guide this process seeks to provide a framework for the undertaking of nutrition research by nutrition and dietetics scientists both in academia and programming areas. The overall goal is to strengthen nutrition research done in training institutions in Kenya. This programme will focus on two projects namely: –
- Establishment and operationalization of Centre for Research and Innovation
- Strengthening of JND and conference Series
This programme shall implement section 6(e) of the Act, which required that the institute takes a lead to research into and provide public education on Nutrition and Dietetics issues in Kenya and beyond. This core function is being achieved through a platform where researchers from different parts of the world share their latest research outputs that would drive the agenda for nutrition education. In order to spearhead the dissemination of innovative scientific knowledge in the field of Nutrition and Dietetics.
Centre for Research and Innovation
The implementation areas of this centre shall focus on:
- Quantitative and qualitative information on the influence of nutrition on populations.
- Effectiveness and efficiency of nutrition interventions and programmes.
- Good nutrition throughout life cycle and ensure that interventions are specific-needs driven/evidence based.
- Capacity building supported by knowledge sharing and research on nutrition issues.
The above areas shall be achieved through the strategies that include but are not limited to:
- Publishing nutrition high quality research in the peer review Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics.
- Strengthening the institutional procedures for nutrition research which ensure that the findings can be used in decision making.
- Formulating measures to ensure that nutrition and nutrition related issues are systematically identified and addressed.
- Establish nutrition research and documentation center to systematically collect, analyze, disseminate and utilize nutrition information to all the relevant stakeholders.
- Reviewing and enhancing existing strategies for capacity building in nutrition research as part of institutional development programmes with special attention to institution training on nutrition research.
- Strengthening access to nutrition and dietetics databases for quality research foundation based on informed literature.
JND and Conference Series
KNDI through Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics (ISSN 2415-5195) shall endeavour to provide a platform through publications and conference series to ease access of new knowledge and innovation. Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics (JND) is a peer reviewed refereed international Journal encompassing all the sub-discipline of Nutrition and Dietetics. Issued twice a year, ISSN 2415-5195. Each issue contains approximately six articles. The journal is published on behalf of Kenya Nutritionists and Dieticians Institute. JND is a publication that promotes national and international nutrition and dietetics specific and sensitive research.
The Journal publishes original research articles, short communications and review articles in the following areas:
- Clinical nutrition and dietetics.
- Food service therapy.
- Community nutrition.
- Public health nutrition.
- Nutrition practice and legal issues.
- Food science and nutrition.
- Multidisciplinary research related to the above areas.
- To promotes publication of national and international nutrition and dietetics specific and sensitive research.
- To research into and provide public education on nutrition and dietetics.
Target Group
The target audience is primarily nutrition and dietetics scientists, related medical scientists, training institutions and food industry.